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May 2023

No Longer Strangers

I'm writing this email on the train back from Ottawa. Becky and I had the chance to attend the Canadian National Prayer Breakfast on Tuesday and the Leadership Dinner the previous evening. It was our first trip to Ottawa, and we were fascinated to learn more of Canada's history and make new friends in and out of public service. One of the scriptures read during the breakfast was from Ephesians chapter 2:

"Therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone. In Him the whole building is fitted together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord. And in Him you too are being built together into a dwelling place for God in His Spirit." Ephesians 2:19-22 (BSB)

I listened to this passage this morning differently than I had before. I am convinced that all across our city, Jesus, as the Cornerstone, has built and is continuing to build a dwelling place for his Spirit. I am excited for Young Life to be a part of that building.


Two Updates

New Staff Hire

We have hired a new staff person in Toronto. Our monthly

We are happy to announce that Edith Nabulya, of Upper Room Ministries in Toronto, will be joining our full time staff on June 1. Edith first learned of Young Life through National Board Member Rebecca Ketelaars when they were in a class together at Tyndale Seminary. Rebecca introduced Edith to us last June. Since then, Edith has been collaborating with me to gather people together to join the Every Kid vision in Toronto. Edith came to Toronto from Uganda four years ago, intending to work as a nurse. She switched over to pursuing a Masters of Divinity degree and feels a strong calling to work with young people and families in Toronto. She has also been serving as a pastor at Upper Room Ministries, a church that meets in Scarborough. Edith's husband and three children still live in Uganda, and area waiting immigration clearance to join her here in Canada. Edith lives in Upper Jarvis (Downtown), and will begin pursuing relationships with community contacts there to learn about the needs of teenagers in that part of the city. In addition to her direct ministry role, Edith will participate in Young Life's Staff Associate Training Program, which equips participants across Canada for a lifetime of ministry in or out of Young Life. Welcome, Edith! Share Congratulations and Well-Wishes with Edith.

Community Dinners Gaining Momentum

Our monthly Community Dinners serve as a gathering place and pathway for building a community of adults who care about teenagers in Toronto. They area great place to get to know the mission of Young Life better and connect with others who want to be a part of the team. We had 18 guests for our April dinner and enjoyed a feast of homemade West and East African food. For most of our guests, this was their first time learning about Young Life, and there is a real sense that the ideas we talked about are gaining momentum. Our next dinner is on June 1, Edith's first day on Young Life staff in Toronto, so we are using it as a way to celebrate this important milestone.

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